what is real

June 24, 2024

is this real
or are we pretending it is?
what are you looking for?
did it ever matter
if you found it?

what wall are you climbing?
what hope do you cling to?
is it love? god? or is it life itself?

the world is full
of what’s in front of you
an apparition of particles
made mostly of emptiness
their collapse is imminent
it’s necessary

to wake up
you must put part of you to rest
the one that prevents you
from moving forward
but what stops you
from questioning the reality
emergent from your death?
what stops you
from waking up again
into a place of uncertainty?
a place so real
it feels foreign

you ask yourself
where are you now?
who are you now?
did you ever really care
in the first place?

so as the voice ceases its reign
and the demons return to their caves
imagine a ball of light
drenching you with its rays
wake up again
see through the display
and as you’re blinded by the brilliance
return once more

you are well on your way